*1988 in Ufa (RU), aufgewachsen in Tashkent (UZ) & Köln (DE), lebt und arbeitet in Wien (AT)
Darja Shatalova ist eine multidisziplinär arbeitende Künstlerin mit dem Fokus auf eine Strukturierung und Systematisierung von Daten, die gegenwärtige Ereignisse aus der Umwelt und dem persönlichen Mikrokosmos beschreiben.
In einem kontinuierlichen Aufzeichnungsprozess kreiert sie vielschichtige, verschlüsselte Ausdrucksweisen, die sich aus Symbolen, mathematischen Zeichen, Farbcodierungen und Zuordnungen zusammensetzen und der Analyse und Mustererkennung dienen.
Die in Form grafischer Aufzeichnungen in Künstlerbüchern gesammelten Daten werden in raumbezogene Installationen, Langzeit-Performances und Soundkompositionen übersetzt, wobei der transformative Prozess ein zentrales Element der Arbeitsweise bildet.
*1988 in Ufa (RU), grew up in Tashkent (UZ) & Cologne (DE), based in Vienna (AT)
Darja Shatalova is a multidisciplinary artist focusing on the structuralisation and systematisation of data, describing current events of her environment and the personal microcosm.
In a continuous notation process, she creates multi-layered, coded expressions composed of symbols, mathematical signs, colour codes and assignments, serving the purpose of analysis and pattern recognition.
The data, collected in the form of graphical records in artist's books, is translated into space-based installations, long-term performances and sound compositions. Whereby, the transformative process constitutes a central element of the working method.
2014 - 2019
Transmedia Arts (Brigitte Kowanz), University of Applied Arts Vienna (AT)
Timebased Media (Michaela Melián), University of fine Arts Hamburg (DE)
Visual Communication (Christian Upmeier), Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (IT)
2009 - 2014
Art & Mathematics Magisterium (Torsten Meyer et al.), University of Cologne (DE)
Polytropos, 2025
Darja Shatalova | Regina Hügli. Polytropos, Galerie Reinthaler, Wien (AT)
Permutation, Artist Statement Parallel Vienna, Vienna (AT)
Congruence, Sotheby's Artist Quarterly, Palais Wilczek, Vienna (AT)
Isometry (P2), Museo de los Pintores Oaxaqueños, Oaxaca de Juárez (MX)so
Isometry (P1), Ruina, San Martín Tilcajete, Oaxaca (MX)
Waking up (after 1030 Days), OK.kunZT, Klagenfurt am Wörthersee (AT)
Weiterleitung, Juxtapose Art Fair, Rå Hal Godsbanen, Aarhus (DK)
Kurvendiskussion, with Freundinnenderkunst, Oberösterreichischer Kunstverein, Linz (AT)
Zu Gast, Bildraum 07, Vienna (AT)
1030 Days, Biblioteca Vasconcelos, Mexico City (MX)
Pearlescent clouds, with Jan Pancocha, Sussudio, Vienna (AT)
28 Tage Sommerfrische, annexe of the Lehártheater, Bad Ischl (AT)
Rearranging formulae, Galerie3, Velden am Wörthersee (AT)
Return to refresh, with Marta Beauchamp, Sehsaal, Vienna (AT)
Plan D, Periscope, Salzburg (AT)
Pars pro toto, Project Statement Parallel Vienna, Vienna (AT)
Atopía, with Max Winter, Gepäckausgabe, Glarus (CH)
Auf der Leitung stehen, Das T/abor, Vienna (AT)
Zeitraumnetz, RC Showroom Altes Landgut, Vienna (AT)
Inzwischen, Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof, Hamburg (DE)
One Word Per Day, Sihlhalle, Zurich (CH)
Liquidity, with Ellen Pritzkau, Frappant Galerie, Hamburg (DE)
I Hope He Doesn't Mind, Kaeshmaesh, Vienna (AT)
Netz & Werk, with Julian Palacz, 12-14 Contemporary, Vienna (AT)
Vorübergehend, HFBK B-Galerie, Hamburg (DE)
Die Verzeichnung der Zeit, Whitedwarf Projects, Vienna (AT)
95x55x55, Kunstraum Super, Vienna (AT)
Treasure Hunt, Galerie3, Vienna (AT)
37x21x21", Picture Theory, New York City (NY)
House of inciting passion, Vienna Art Week, Vienna (AT)
Rock Paper Scissors, Aa Collections, Vienna (AT)
On abstraction, The Green Parrot, Barcelona (ES)
On the road again, Künstlerhaus, Vienna (AT)
Horror vacui, Büro Weltausstellung, Vienna (AT)
On abstraction, Poush, Aubervilliers (FR)
Brigitte Kowanz ETC, Special Show Parallel Vienna, Vienna (AT)
Lowland #7, Lowland Art Studio, Stuttgart (DE)
37th Austrian Graphic Art Competition, Waltherhaus, Bolzano (IT)
The Portal, VBKÖ, Vienna (AT)
Retrospective Austrian Graphic Art Competition, Taxispalais Kunsthalle Tirol, Innsbruck (AT)
Nothing's gonna change my world?, Gr_und, Berlin (DE)
Listening to carrots grow - Hochsommer Art 2021, KS Room, Kornberg bei Riegersburg (AT)
Resonanz & Resilienz, Sehsaal, Vienna (AT)
Jamais vu II, LLLLLL, Vienna (AT)
Projecto Tomate, Galeria K11 Paiol Azul, Porto (PT)
Lowland #6, Humbase, Stuttgart (DE)
Argus' Eyes, with Maria Belova, Kara Agora - Net Works (AT, online)
Akt V - Ich werde nicht dulden, dass Ihr mich alleine lasst, Notgalerie, Vienna (AT)
20 Dada, Aa Collections / Hollerei, Vienna (AT)
Sodastream, with Erika Farina & Valentino Skarwan, XX Art Flânerie, Vienna (AT)
EO Algorithms, XXVII Pushkin Theatre Festival, Pskov (RU, online)
Disjunkte Mengen, with Maria Belova & Jennifer Posny, Innere Stadt, Vienna (AT)
Aus X folgt Y folgt Z folgt X', with Felix H. Wagner, Masc Foundation, Vienna (AT)
Is this intimacy?, Krinzinger Projekte, Vienna (AT)
Ya I Ona, with Maria Belova, Improper Walls, Vienna (AT)
Kunstraum Super at Parallel Vienna, Vienna (AT)
Galerie Malte Frank at Contemporary Basel, Basel (CH)
Kunstland Nord - Haben und Brauchen in Wien, Künstlerhaus 1050, Vienna (AT)
Nichts als Integration, Dynamo Projektraum 13, Zurich (CH)
Vom vom zum zum, with Lukas Hochrieder & Anne-Clara Stahl, Pferd, Vienna (AT)
Tomorrow is Cancelled, Krinzinger Projekte, Vienna (AT)
Isola Alicudi, Westwerk, Hamburg (DE)
Position - Last Transi, Dynamo Projektraum 13, Zurich (CH)
Die Träger der Zeit, with Nikita Kotliar & Julia Romas, HafenCity, Hamburg (DE)
Tautology, HFBK Galerie, Hamburg (DE)
Beuteschema, Pferd, Vienna (AT)
The Essence, 17th Annual Exhibition of the University of Applied Arts, Alte Post, Vienna (AT)
Lightness and Matter. Matter and Lightness, Kunstraum Niederoesterreich, Vienna (AT)
Free Away Artist-in-Residence Cairo, Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport
On the road again Mexico-City, Austrian Federal Ministry of European and International Affairs
Auf! auf! Grant, Artist Residency Lehártheater, Bad Ischl
Living:Space:Grant, Periscope & Artist in Residence programme of the City of Salzburg
Prize awarded by the Raiffeisenbank Tirol AG, 37th Austrian Graphic Art Competition, State of Tyrol
Working Grant, Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research
Working Stipend, Cultural Department of the City of Vienna
Start Grant for Visual Arts, Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport
ImPulzTanz Grant, University of Applied Arts Vienna
Incentive Grant of the University of Applied Arts Vienna
Ö1 Talent Grant for Visual Arts, Ö1 - ORF (shortlisted)
Land Tirol, Collection of the State of Tyrol
Artothek des Bundes, Collection of the Republic of Austria
Sammlung Wien Museum, Collection of the City of Vienna
Library MAK Museum Vienna
Library University of Applied Arts Vienna
Austrian National Library Vienna
The Photoireland Collection Dublin
Biblioteca Vasconcelos Mexico City
Library Museum der Moderne Salzburg
Bavarian State Library Munich
Library Mumok Vienna
2014 - 2019
Transmedia Arts (Brigitte Kowanz), University of Applied Arts Vienna (AT)
Timebased Media (Michaela Melián), University of fine Arts Hamburg (DE)
Visual Communication (Christian Upmeier), Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (IT)
2009 - 2014
Art & Mathematics Magisterium (Torsten Meyer et al.), University of Cologne (DE)
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